Hoya Royal Hawaiian Purple
Hoya Pubicalyx 'Royal Hawaiian Purple'
Similar to its more sought-after cousin the “Black Dragon”, this mesmerizingly beautiful plant will leave you speechless when in bloom. Also known as Hoya Pubicalyx ‘Chimera’ due to the different colour flowers on an umbel at the same time.
Just like the ‘Black Dragon’, its leaves can turn burgundy when exposed to more light and the leaves also have some pink and silver flecks or splashes. These colours can also be seen during the cooler months. Some clones can be more “splashy” than others.
This Hoya produces breath-taking flowers once mature. You can see clusters with pink centres with reddish-purple flower edges and also on the same plant you might see clusters that are almost black. The flowers are just dreamy with a strong fragrant scent given off in the evenings.
This type of Hoya is very easy to care for as long as you have plenty of stippled/indirect light. Southern exposure is best, but it can adapt to east or west locations in front of a window. Afternoon sun will burn and bleach the colour from the leaves.
All Hoya are succulents that need very little water. Water when the soil is almost dry. During the winter, water even less.
Feed monthly during the spring and summer with a water-soluble plant food diluted to 1/2 the recommended strength. Use a fertiliser high in potassium to encourage Hoya to bloom.
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