Philodendron Silver Sword
Originating from Columbia Philodendron Hastatum ‘Grey’ or better known as philodendron ‘Silver Sword' gets its name from its blue-tinged leaves resembling an arrow/ sword shape. Though many other philodendron varieties are more green in colouration the Silver Sword is quite unique as it displays shiny mirror-like leaves, which almost glitter and glisten in bright light. It is truly one that must be in every collectors collection and will most certainly make for a unique addition to any indoor space giving a natural jungle feel.
Place in medium to bright indirect light, this will aid in larger leaf growth and fuller foliage while encouraging brighter more vibrant colouration on the leaves. Warmth and humidity is this guy's best friend.
Philodendrons prefer to dry out a bit between watering. If your plant is in a bright location, water it when the soil is dry halfway down the root mass. If your plant is in fluorescent or lower light conditions, let the soil dry out about 5cm from the top of the soil before watering again thoroughly. Don’t overwater as all indoor plants are prone to root rot. Yellowing or mushy stalks or leaves are a key sign of this so if it happens, let the soil dry out completely before watering again.
Normal room humidity is fine. We recommend you mist the leaves with water or our seaweed mist product daily to keep them lush.
Alternatively, you can use a humidity tray, half-filled with water, then place your plant pot on top. Top up the water if necessary when watering your plant. Make sure the water level stays below the top of the pebbles/leca balls so the plant roots can breathe. The humidity from the tray will keep the leaves lush and the roots moist.
Feed with an organic liquid fertilizer formulated for houseplants. Apply once every 6 weeks but less in winter if your plant isn’t in a greenhouse. Use our Organic seaweed fertilizer for best results.
Philodendron thrive well in a reasonably loose, aerated mix - Use our Philodendron soil mix for best results.
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