Philodendron Pink Princess
The Philodendron Pink Princess (botanical name Philodendron Erubescens) is a trailing plant in the family Araceae. The plant is identified by large waxy leaves, pink and dark green in colour. These leaves can grow up to 22 cm long and 12 cm wide.
The pinkness on the leaves is due to a lack of chlorophyll—the chemical that makes leaves green. However, some greenness on the leaves is also necessary so that the plants can photosynthesise. Chlorophyll helps to create oxygen and glucose for healthy growth.
This philodendron has an amazing colour. No two leaves are the same and amazingly the stems are also blotched with pink. From black to deep burgundy, its foliage is splashed and flecked with white and pink. Plants with black leaves are rare in nature. The young leaves emerge as a dark olive-green with white variegation, maturing to a deep black with bright pink spots. Hence the variegation is highly visible.
Pink Princess loves bright indirect lit areas. Avoid direct sun. Dappled sunlight is ideal but direct sunlight will cause possible burns.
Once weekly. Allow the potting mix to dry out before watering. Soil about 3.5cm down should be dry to touch. Water more frequently during warmer months and fertilise during the growth season.
It loves high humidity and Sphagnum Moss wrapped around the base of its stem over the soil.
Feed monthly during the spring and summer with a water-soluble plant food such as seaweed and/or fishbone.
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