Aglaonema Beauty
Aglaonema, also called ‘Chinese evergreens’, are a wonderfully diverse and colourful range of leafy plants that are native to tropical and subtropical areas in Asia. The 'Beauty' is part of the red Aglaonema sub category and is a stand out among most Aglanoema cultivars. While the majority are shades of green, the ‘Beauty' is largely pink, with a diverse foliage colours ranging from deep blush red to almost white.
It tolerates low light well, but grows best in brighter spots and can be used to bring life and colour to your home! You can plant them in shaded parts of the garden too, provided you live in a warm frost-free climate.
Aglaonema loves bright, indirect light such as near a window but keep it out of direct sunlight. They can tolerate lower light and even fluorescent lighting but needs brighter light to maintain its bright colouring. Rotate your plant periodically to ensure even growth on all sides.
Assess your plant’s watering needs upon receiving it. Aglaonema like to dry out between waterings. If your plant is in a bright location, water it when the soil is dry halfway down the root mass. If your plant is in fluorescent or lower light conditions, let the soil dry out almost to the bottom of the pot before watering thoroughly. Don’t overwater as it can be prone to root rot. Yellowing or mushy stalks or leaves are a key sign of this so if it happens, let the soil dry out completely before watering again.
Feed with an organic liquid fertilizer formulated for houseplants. Apply once every 6 weeks but less in winter if your plant isn’t in a greenhouse.
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